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Marty Elcan is a DGA Director with over 30 years experience in all genres, but whose focus is Family films with positive messages.

Some directors are technical directors; some directors are known as "actors' directors." Marty Elcan is both.
Working as an Assistant Director for over 25 years on such projects as "Driving Miss Daisy," "Steel Magnolias" and "Six Feet Under," with directors like Steven Spielberg, Bethany Rooney, Bruce Beresford, and Lesli Linka Glatter, she learned to choreograph scenes to tell the best story with the most efficient coverage.
Marty comes from theater, and continues to act in film projects today.
She's also an award-winning still photographer.
Marty's extensive film production career, her photographer's eye, and distinguished theatrical acting provide
the perfect background for her insightful directing.
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